

I’m Christina Weise, a freelance journalist, copywriter and translator from Cologne, Germany.
I was born in the Lower Rhine region in North Rhine-Westphalia, have lived in Brazil and studied in Cologne and Lisbon.

My sector and expertise: social topics, human rights, Latin America, travel, culture
Languages: Portuguese, Dutch, English, Spanish
Research grant: IJP the Netherlands 2019, Heinz-Kühn-Stiftung Brazil 2017
Study: German, Romance (Portuguese) and Dutch Philology

My work is featured in: WDR, Deutschlandfunk, Deutsche Welle, dpa
I work for: SK Stiftung Kultur, lit.Cologne, Misereor, Adveniat, Ambaum BrandMakers (the Netherlands)




If you have questions about my work, want to give me feedback or want to talk about a job, I would be pleased about a message: mail@christinaweise.de

You can also find me here: torial, instagram, xing, linkedin